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This page was last updated on: October 11, 2012
How can I find out my current grade?

Grades are posted on the power school website by password.
To keep yours confidential don't share your ID number with anyone!  These grades are updated daily, but not necessarily complete so email me with any questions.  Remember one set of papers = 2-5 hours of work, so I do fall behind.

Also not every paper is graded the same way....see homework policy. ( Keep in mind this analogy.... that the baskets you shoot in practice help you but are not necessarily counted!)

Parents without web access may also call your counselor to find out.
You may submit a grade report for me to fill out on the Monday or Tuesday of each week.

You may email me to request an update.

What can I do to get the best grade possible? Will extra credit help?

First of all, do your assignments, study for tests, and pay attention in class. Review your notes and vocabulary. Those  things insure success.  Extra credit can help borderline A, B,C people .  Extra Credit cannot make a failing person pass.  The word extra means doing a little more than what was does not take the place of required work. 

If you need help with math, sometimes you can secure private tutoring, or use the homework room prior to school, or make an appointment with Mrs. Green .  Above all, ask questions in class.  If you do your homework the night it was assigned you can also email me for extra help!
What does each grade really mean?  In General here are the guidelines:

F ---There are many missing assignments. Tests  show little understanding.  There is little effort made to improve.  Listening skills in class are poor or non existent. Preparation for class is poor. Class time is consistently wasted.

D-- There are some missing assignments or work is not complete. Tests show weak understanding of what has been taught. There is minimal effort to improve. Preparation for class is on and off. Problems of the week are not done according to the formatt.

C---There is only one or no missing assignments.  Tests show basic understanding, but not above standard. There is good effort made to complete assignments and do quality work.  There are  a few weak areas to be worked on.  Attention in class is satisfactory and preparation is generally good.

B---There is only one or no missing regular assignments.  Tests show good understanding of materials with indications of going beyond standard. Effort is evident in completion of work and the quality of work is very good. There are few, if any weak areas.  Problems of the week show good effort.  Attention and preparation for class is commendable.

A --- There is only one or no missing regular assignments. Tests show excellent understanding of materials with indications of going beyond. There is exceptional effort made in work, especially in the problems of the week.
Attention is excellent and class readiness is consistent.  There are indications of a willingness to do more, try new things, and find patterns in math that go beyond the obvious.  Problems of the week are done thoroughly and creatively.
******************* Report cards are sent every nine weeks as well as progress notices when grades drop to D or F.

You may set up a staffing if you feel  a need through the counselors' office.
email me
A Positive Attitude is always  received warmly;conversely, whining never helps!